On 18th and 19th Don Bosco College, Aluva had two days of “Seminar on Youth Ministry” animated by Fr. Sivy Koroth SDB, a professor of youth ministry in Kristu Jyothi College. It was heartening to see 65 students of the college including the day scholars from other Religious Congregations participating actively in the Seminar. It was indeed an enriching and learning experience for everyone.
On the first day the animator presented the different aspects of youth ministry and made a clear distinction between youth work and youth ministry.
He emphasized that the primary concern of youth ministry is to give Jesus to the young and the salvation of their souls. He also illustrated the present scenario in which the young people are living and cast light on their needs and aspirations. Though most of those present for the seminar opined that the young people pose new problems to the society, the problems are not absolutely out of control. They can be solved and resolved by proper guidance and accompaniment. The seminar brought to light the Church’s view on young people and the various initiatives that are being taken address the issue of today’s youth.
The second day of the seminar was marked by the presentation of various practical methods involved in youth ministry. The model that was shown was from Luke 24: 13-35 where in Jesus shows the qualities a youth minister should possess. It was highlighted a youth ministry should lead the young to have a spiritual experience in the same fashion as the two disciples on the way to Emmaus. While on the one hand the youth minister acts as a guide in moments of their difficulties and anxieties, he should also at the same time invite the young to participate in the breaking of the Word and the Bread, thereby establishing a lifelong intimacy with Jesus.
The interesting part of the Seminar was the group discussions and presentations which added colour to the event and enlivened the spirits of the participants.
Cl. Jerome Sudeep SDB
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