DBA Jyotis

DBA Jyotis

Monday, 18 July 2011

"Behold, Your Mother" Inauguration of the Marian Month

Time has come again to have the foretaste of Prayer Services, Rosary Services, Bhajan Services, Serenades, Quiz, Nite etc. in honour of our Most Beloved Mother. The Community of Don Bosco College, Aluva had the inauguration of the Marian Month on the feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. The Entertainment Sodality took the leadership of beginning this great tradition with a fitting prayer service, and thus set a right tone to the month long preparation for the great Solemnity of the Assumption. Rev. Fr. Alex the Rector of the community inaugurated the Marian Month and delivered the inaugural address. In his inaugural talk he called on the attention of the community to the message given by the Holy Father at the end of the Marian Month on the feast of Visitation. He exhorted the community to have the same attitudes that Mary had and urged the members to make the best use of this spiritual heritage we have received from our father and founder St. John Bosco.
            The community chose “Behold, Your Mother” as the theme for this year’s Marian Month. At the foot of the cross Mary becomes a Mother to all of us. This is one of the greatest mysteries that the Mother of God is our mother too. In Mary becoming the mother of the humanity we perceive God’s infinite generosity, since He shared His mother with us. The Marian Month that we keep is a pledge towards venerating this mother of ours through various tangible expressions of our devotion. This occasion turns out to be an opportunity for us to know, to love and to possess Mary, so that She could be offered to our youth as a Mother. We are confident that the celebration of the Marian Month will also enable us to prepare ourselves worthily to receive the relics of Don Bosco who considered spreading devotion to Mary as the mission of his life. The inauguration ended with the handing over of the Spiritual Bouquet that each one would be offering to Our Lady at the end of the Marian Month. The Spiritual Bouquet as we call it would consist of the extra prayers and sacrifices we make in Mary’s honour.  

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