DBA Jyotis

DBA Jyotis

Sunday, 3 July 2011

DBA Echoes Viva il Papa

Faithful to one of the devotions that our Father and Founder has handed down to us, Don Bosco College, Aluva solemnly celebrated the Pope’s day on June 29, 2011. One of the concrete ways by which the College honours the Pope is by holding a Symposium and conducting an academy in honour of the Pope.  This year the college held a Symposium on the latest Apostolic Exhortation “Verbum Domini.” Rev. Frs. Joshi (the Secretary of the KCBC Bible Commission) and Jacob Prasad (the principal of Carmelgiri Seminary) were the resource persons for the symposium. After the symposium the celebration took on a musical note as the College conducted an Academy in Pope’s honour. Various courses of students paid their homage to the Pope through different items. The air in the auditorium was filled with the slogan “Long live the Pope,” “Viva il Papa.” While this was one of the major events of the College, it gave us Salesians, an opportunity to share our devotion with the men and women of other Religious Congregations.

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